Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas

How To Celebrate Christmas and Holiday Season with Older Kids

As parents, when your children are younger, while it may be stressful, wasn’t it so much fun when they believed in Santa? Yes, you had to find a time to order their gifts or get out to the stores without them with you in order to for these items to be a surprise. And wasn’t it great to buy toys that were affordable compared to what these older kids want these days? Celebrating with the older kids during the Christmas and holiday season is a bit different than it was years ago. And you may find that some of the magic is gone from the holidays. However, the magic is still there — it is just a new type of magic.

When you are dealing with older kids this Christmas and holiday season, letting them take part as an older child is going to make them enjoy the holidays. You can now allow them to watch some holiday movies that may be more mature, and something that you may have watched when you were a teen rather than having to watch more cartoons. You can share stories about the past Christmas’s you had for them to see how things were different or how good they have it.

Yes, you may find that your older kids are going to have their own Christmas and holiday season plans — especially if they have girlfriends and boyfriends. But, this is a new stage in their lives that you get to sit back and watch. Take comfort in the fact that you now may have even more children in your home during the Christmas and holiday season as they invite their friends.

Some other activities that you can do this Christmas and holiday season with your older kids include:

  1. Let them help with the holiday shopping for the rest of the family. Yes, you can still buy their presents and hide them so they are surprised. But, since they are older, they can be a great help in the store when you are shopping.
  2. Have some assistance when preparing your Christmas and holiday season meal this year with the older kids making great assistants in the kitchen.
  3. You can now explain why they may not get some of the things on their list. After all, if your 16 year old asks for a car and you know that is not doable, then you can calmly explain why this is not going to happen. Since they know Santa is not real — though if he were, Santa would not be delivering cars as gifts either.
  4. Have a wrapping assistant whenever you are getting gifts ready. No longer do you have to do it all on your own. And who knows, you may create some great memories with your older kids as they help with the Christmas and holiday season celebrations.

While it may be different, as your kids get older, it creates new memories that they will remember and love.